Worship Time: Sunday 10:00 a.m.
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Featured Sermon, Bishop Walter Hawkins Dependent Faith
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Interested in Joining?

We would love to see you find a real home for your faith at Love Center Church. When you visit us you have the option of joining our ministry when the invitation to discipleship has been extended or you may simply wish to contact one of our ministers to request membership. You are always welcome, however, to receive the Good News of Jesus Christ should you not be able to make a personal visit.

We believe that over some 2,000 years ago God sent His Son Jesus to save us from sin and to reconcile all mankind to Himself. We believe that Jesus was crucified on a cross as an atonement for our sins, and that through Him we have eternal salvation. Salvation is redemption and deliverance from the power of sin. We believe that Jesus Christ is a message of God's intending toward all of creation that we be free from the power of sin. Sin is anything that separates us from knowing the presence of God. Jesus our Emmanuel -- God is with us! We believe that the life, death, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ I witness to God's desire for all people to live free from the bondage of sin and to live aware and acknowledging the presence of God in us. To this end we pray a prayer of salvation to set ourselves in acceptance of God's mercy and to seek to live a new life pleasing before God. We know that on our own we cannot please God, but with God all things are possible.

This salvation is available to you. The Bible says "if thou would confess with thy mouth Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead then you shall be saved." Its really that simple!

We believe that every day God moves on the hearts of people to respond to His call in some particular way. This is an opportunity for you to share the way God is moving on your heart and to dedicate yourself to God's call. If you would like to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior please recite the Prayer of Salvation.

New To Love Center?

If you are considering visiting Love Center, we are so excited! You may be wondering what to expect and may have a few questions so we've answered a few of the most frequently asked questions below. If you still have more questions please don't hesitate to ask us. You can call the office at 510.729.0680

Q: How do I get to Love Center Church?
AA: Where are we: 10440 International Blvd., in the city of Oakland, California.  We're quite simple to find since we're a direct shot off Interstate-580.  Click on 'MAP & DIRECTIONS' above or view the Contacts page for complete details.

Q: When do I need to arrive?
A: The service starts at 10am. Come a few minutes early to park, meet some new faces, and to get comfortably seated.

Q: What is the service like?
A: Our service is a contemporary service with dynamic & vibrant worship music, an inspiring message, and corporate prayer. We operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and desire that all experience the love and liberty of God.

Q: What should I wear?
A: You can dress any way you want! Our policy has always been to "come as you are." You'll see people in suits, dresses, and casual attire all the way down to jeans. So dress in whatever way makes you feel most comfortable.

Q: What if I have children?
A: Awesome! We love having kids at Love Center. We have a variety of children, and there is bound to be a new friend waiting for your little one.

Q: What should I bring?
A: You can bring a Bible ((or a bible app on your smartphone will do for for the technically saavy), our Pastor always preaches from the Word of God. If you like to jot down some notes we encourage you to bring a pen and use the notes section in the bulletin. And always bring an open heart so you can expect to hear God's voice & learn something new! Bring a friend - We always encourage you to share your faith with others, you never know the impact that a simple invitation can have on someone's life!

Enjoy the Love Center experience:

  • Our music ministry offers a variety of music week to week. Our praise & worship team (Worship Warriors) will invite and lead  you into the presence of God. The words will be on the screen, so feel free to join in with the singing if you like.
    Depending on the service, we may have special events going on such as, baby dedications, water baptisms, or communion.

  • When we receive the offering, please know you're invited to participate but are under no obligation to give. Giving is for our Love Center family, and it's one way we demonstrate our love and obedience for God.

  • No food or drinks in sanctuary: To keep our sanctuary beautiful and comfortable for everyone, we don't allow food or drink in the sanctuary, only bottled water.

A Prayer of Salvation

Speak This Prayer Softly...

God I come today confessing that I have not done all things pleasing in Your sight. I confess that I am a sinner (Romans 3:23). Please forgive me of my sins. Come into my heart and take control of my life. Help me to be aware of your presence in me and in others. I receive your son Jesus Christ as my Savior. I believe that He lived, was crucified, and that you raised Him from the dead as an eternal witness that Your love is greater than any power on earth. It is my desire that the Spirit of God that dwells in me will enable me to live according to Your will. I know that on this day all of my past mistakes are put behind and I intend to lead a new life in Christ Jesus. On this day I am a new creation. I am a new person aware of the Spirit of God in me! I am born again!

For those who already have a relationship with God we invite you to become a member of Love Center Church and that among this community of baptized believers you will join us in our desire to promote peace and unity in the world. We celebrate the gospel, which is the Good News of God's intending toward creation (to be with us, not separate from us). Jesus Christ is the head of our church.

We invite you to say yes to a specific ministry, service, or lifestyle change that God is calling forth in you. We invite you to receive the support and encouragement of the church family as we seek to be faithful Christian disciples.

Please contact the church and ask to be connected with someone in Evangelism & Membership or with one of our ministers to formally add you to our church family. May you be blessed!

"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever.  Amen." 

Jude 1:24-25